About The Sum

Who we are.

The Sum is a group of highly motivated (and slightly frustrated) CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ practitioners (Not sure what a CFP® is? Check it out HERE).
We have successful industry and academic experience and we plan to continue raising the bar for our clients.

Who we are not.

The Sum is not a group that gets paid on commissions.  Period

We do not have products to sell you. 
We avoid conflicts in our advice.
We do not receive compensation from anyone but our clients.
We do not share fees with other professionals. 
We do not operate on high volume.
Most importantly, we are not willing to change these things.

Why we started.

The Sum is our answer to years in the financial services industry that haven’t felt quite right. The industry can be complicated and isn’t always client friendly [In some cases, misaligned compensation structures drive advisor behavior]. Motives of companies and advisors don’t always align with those of their clients. Advisors, however, have a duty to serve those who put their trust and their family’s wealth in their hands. At The Sum, we have a perspective that our work is more than a duty, it is a privilege. We’ve taken on the challenge of providing a better place for advice; a better place for you. So if you’re tired of status-quo, give us a call, send us an email and let’s get your plan started.